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pcb to pcb connectable edge
575 4
Sajjad Akhter 3 years ago
hi, i have pcb that need to connect to next board, so far I have connectors at the ends that I connect jumper wires. I was thinking if I can bring pads to the edge of board on both boards and be able to connect them together. I this case I will have to make board's edge. to have copper on the sides as well (similar to how esp wrom has). How can I do that. Thanks Sajjad
andyfierman 3 years ago
"I was thinking if I can bring pads to the edge of board on both boards and be able to connect them together." Do you mean that you push the board edges together then solder them to each other? That type of joint will be brittle and will break very easily. For example as the boards expand and contract with temperature. It will therefore be unreliable. Or will you still use wired links? Please show us an example of what you wish to achieve?
Sajjad Akhter 3 years ago
i am open to ideas, i dont like unsolded connectors and not sure what else can I do.  I don't have to connect board side by side, I can create lip on one board that connect on top of other. See the pic bellow of espmodule and note how the edge is soldable <br> ![1espedge.jpg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
What you are asking about is this: [](<br> <br> Please see: Castellated holes in: [](<br> <br> [,a%20PCB%20to%20another%20one](,a%20PCB%20to%20another%20one)<br> <br> [](
Sajjad Akhter 3 years ago
Thanks thats exactly what i was looking for
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