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place null resistor when tracing pcb without adding it to schematics
869 11
Byte_My_Void 4 years ago
Hello everyone! is there any solution to do this. For example - i need to make a bridge between crossing tracks of nets A and B. so i want to put for example 1208 resistor across net B to trace net A through net B. VIA is not an option.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please post a diagram to illustrate and clarify your question.
Byte_My_Void 4 years ago
![изображение.png](// any solution to make instrument cluster that contains several sizes of null-resistors to make cross traces  not connected. this must be tracing instrument that has net-name and can be built in any part of net, linked in its parameters
andyfierman 4 years ago
If a component is on - or forms an integral part of - the PCB then it must be in the schematic. Trying to add PCB Footprints that are not associated with a Symbol in the Schematic is just making work for yourself and then for everyone in the forum when you post back for help trying to sort out the mess it creates. :) Please read (2.2) in (2) in the forum topic marked [Must read]: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Wherever you need such a 0R link go back to the Schematic, add it in there and then do Update PCB...
Byte_My_Void 4 years ago
@andyfierman so if i trace board then i need a couple of resistors i need to add them to schematics, then in 30 minutes i decide that i dont need them  there, so i need to go back to schematics and remove them, when i trace board i need an option to try add resistors fast to check if i can trace region or not. so  ive tried that before(add resistor in net and update) - its not really convenient. and i cant understand why u gave me link to 2.2 - nothing there is useful  for my question. i know what i do and i need trace board on a single layer with minimum vias because i want to make 1 layer board for prototype fast to check how it works and prevent of making order of pcb that is not ready for this.
Byte_My_Void 4 years ago
@andyfierman so if i trace board then i need a couple of resistors i need to add them to schematics, then in 30 minutes i decide that i dont need them  there, so i need to go back to schematics and remove them, when i trace board i need an option to try add resistors fast to check if i can trace region or not. so  ive tried that before(add resistor in net and update) - its not really convenient. and i cant understand why u gave me link to 2.2 - nothing there is useful  for my question. i know what i do and i need trace board on a single layer with minimum vias because i want to make 1 layer board for prototype fast to check how it works and prevent of making order of pcb that is not ready for this.
andyfierman 4 years ago
The link to (2.2) in (2) in: []( explains the statement: "If a component is on - or forms an integral part of - the PCB then it must be in the schematic." I didn't say you could not simply place a footprint directly into the PCB. I was just explaining it creates more problems than it is worth for you (and it then creates an unfair burden on others in the forum when people do this then ask for help to untangle the mess it can create). If you add a footprint directly into the PCB then it's possible that it will be blown away when you do an Update PCB for something else. It will force you to manually rename nets in the PCB when you split them with the resistor (and again when you remove the resistor) so again, the PCB will no longer match the schematic, making DRC checking a nightmare. It is easier for you to simply add a resistor or delete a resistor and rejoin a wire in the schematic and do **Update PCB...** than the work - including the extra checking to reduce the risk or errors in the final PCB - needed to do it using the forward annotation flow that **Update PCB...** is for.
Byte_My_Void 4 years ago
@andyfierman ive entered forum, made a thread instead of just adding resistor in schematics, dont u think that there is some situations where its not easier to add and remove resistors on schematics every 2 minutes to check if board will trace as it needs to be? so i need to switch to schematics when tracing process must be in main focus? if u think that easy eda can be professional tool where cant be such handy tools as ive asked for , u wrong - easy eda is online based, so it cant be used in closed projects (medicine, military etc.) this tool for ordinary people and for civilian projects, so can it be useful? anyway i think thread can be closed. all i got is that there is no option in easy eda to add/remove jumpers fast.
Byte_My_Void 4 years ago
@andyfierman also how do u think schematic will look like if there is for example net called 3v3 with a bunch of 0 resistors (2-3-4 )? but in next trace iteration board can be double layered and i need to remove those resistors ? nah.... i think it would be good functional to add null resistors as vias and so on.
andyfierman 4 years ago
* As I said, you can do what you are asking about, it's just risky for you in terms of checking that a board, when you come to order it, is correct. * Perhaps you could list some of the other EDA tools that allow you to do what you are asking about.
Markus_ee 4 years ago
Hi! It is usual in electronics industy to add null resistors between functional electronical blocks which might prove usefull when layingout the PCB. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
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