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probe on AC-DC converter
1597 5
gdisimone 7 years ago
Hi, i did an AC-DC converter (see attachment) but when i put a probe on the out i don't have any signal,. Can you help me? Thanks in advance ![converter AC-DC][1] [1]: /editor/20180119/5a61a472306fd.jpg
andyfierman 7 years ago
You have used a schematic symbol for the bridge rectifier that has no simulation model associated with it. Please see (3) in:
gdisimone 7 years ago
thans Andy @andyfierman
gdisimone 7 years ago
@gdisimone hi andy i built the bridge with 4 diodes; I used a Vmax ac 56v (f=50hz), Rl=45k and the circuic working correctly, but when i put a C> 800microF,Vout is instable: why? if i increase the capacity Vout should be more stable. Thanks in advance, best regard
andyfierman 7 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it so I am guessing what might be happening. I suspect you are running the simulation with unsuitable time values. If you are running the simulation with a mains frequency of `F` then set the Stop Time to about `10/F` or less if the smoothing cap has charged up sooner. Set your (Stop Time)/(Max Timestep) to 1000.
andyfierman 7 years ago
You also need more than 1V peak to peak from V1. The forward drop of a bridge rectifier with silicon diodes is between about 1V to 2V depending on the load current!
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