Due to my low level of English, I could not find the answers to the questions I ask myself. Sorry if these have already been processed.
I made a circuit, 20mm x 10mm to install a PIC. I have used the tool / panelize function successfully by defining v-cut, 7 columns and 4 rows.
Here are my questions:
\- Can you confirm me that it normal the Gerber file only shows the col1\.Row1 schema? Others are definitvly empty\. Does JLCPCB will automaticly repeat the circuit ?
\- The fact of having indicated V\-cut\, does it make possible a pre\-cut \(or a final cut\) in order to facilitate the separation of the circuits?
\- Finally\, when establishing the payment\, do I have to enter 'Single PCB' to have pre\-cuts \(or even final cuts\)\, or "Panel by customer" since I was the one who requested the panelyse\, or even "Panel by JLCPCB" because it was managed automatically by the software?
Thank you in advance for your advice, and thank to google for translation ...