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removing a copper area
2840 8
g0pkh 3 years ago
Hi All I am trying to design a pcb which has a segmented circular track of 5mm in width. I have created the circular track, and am trying to cut the copper tracks into segments. Using the solid region tool, I can only use it to cutouts through the entire board, is there a way to use it to just remove the copper? so that the circular track becomes segmented. Many thanks Pete
andyfierman 3 years ago
A copper-free area can be created using a Solid Region by selecting the **No Solid** option: ![image.png](// Play with it in a dummy PCB project and check the Gerbers to see how it works. :)
g0pkh 3 years ago
Hi Thanks for the reply. But try as I might I cannot get it to work. Maybe I explained incorrectly. I need a circular track 5mm in width, about 25mm radius, with no mask. But this track needs to be cut into individual segments.and connected to pins on an i/o expander chip there will be a rotating wiper that will will do this.
andyfierman 3 years ago
1. You can use the Arc or the Arc Centre tool to create a single segment of a bit less than 1/N th of a circle where N is the number of segments you require and allowing space for the gap between them;  2. Adjust the width;  3. Right click and do Convert to pad (which will automatically remove the solder mask to expose the copper);  4. Copy, paste and rotate to create N segments with gaps between them in a circular arrangement (the **Format - Distribute Array** tool might be useful for this);  5. Renumber the pads as required. A better way to do this is to first create a suitable Schematic Symbol and then do the steps above but in the PCB Footprint Editor so you can save it as a PCB Footprint the name of which you can then assign to your Schematic Symbol.
mrtom528 3 years ago
Like this? ![ARC_CIRCLE_01.png](// Done using several 'arc center' (U) circles with the same center, 5mm width and 25mm radius. Each 'arc' has a start and end angle so you can choose exactly where each 'segment' starts and ends. Not sure if the ends can be made square but you may not need that. Regards.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@mrtom528, Exactly. :)
mrtom528 3 years ago
@andyfierman LOL..we posted at the same time, I was actually replying to the OP but didn't hit the reply button, I didn't see your post until too late, sorry. Regards.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@mrtom528, No, I realised but your image was coincidentally just the thing to illustrate my description.
g0pkh 3 years ago
@andyfierman Yes exactly like that. Thanks I will try that. I do really need the ends square however, but may work
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