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show in part attributes whether a part has spice definition
701 1
wolfgam 8 years ago
Hello support, when a part from EasyEda library is used you cannot see whether this part has already a spice definition. You have to go through Super menu->netlist->spice. Please show an attribute "spice" in part attributes and connect it with a button to a text editor. So: 1) you can see at once whether this part has a spice model 2) on clicking a button near the spice attribute a text editor should popup and show the spice definition kindly regards Wolfgang
andyfierman 8 years ago
This is not the complete solution to your request but when you look for parts using the `SHIFT+F` component search, all parts with a spice model are shown in the search results by the schematic symbol icon having a small `S` in the icon: ![enter image description here][1] Parts that do not have a spice model associated with them do not have the `S` in the schematic symbol icon. However, please also see: [1]: /editor/20161228/5862ece097632.png
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