You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
signal generator
7936 3
jjslauguico 10 years ago
example 10 years ago
Left hand Navigation panel > **EasyEDA Libs > Power Supply** Hover over Voltage Source Icon (next to Battery Icon). (Or Current Source(EasyEDA), below battery icon) Click on down arrow in lower right hand corner of voltage source icon > **Voltage Source(EasyEDA)** ![Alt text](//) Click on **Voltage Source(EasyEDA)** Click on Voltage Source(EasyEDA) Icon (tip text now says Voltage Source(EasyEDA)). ![Alt text](//) Click on schematic canvas to place Voltage Source(EasyEDA). Select voltage source on canvas. Edit user parameters in right hand **Properties** panel (if not already open then click on far right vertical blue strip to open). ![Alt text](//) Available parameters for Voltage Source(EasyEDA) and Current Source(EasyEDA): >Frequency: Freq(Hz); >Wavshape: Function > dropdown list > Sin/Cos/Square/Triangle/Square >Peak to Peak Amplitude: Amplitude(V) (Amplitude(A) for current source) >DC offset: Initial(V) (Initial(A) for current source) For more complex signal sources, select Voltage Source (Current Source) and see user parameters in **Properties** panel: ![Alt text](//) Some examples of these sources: For more about the voltage and current sources available for simulation in EasyEDA see:
example 10 years ago
Left hand Navigation panel > **EasyEDA Libs > Power Supply** Hover over Voltage Source Icon (next to Battery Icon). (Or Current Source(EasyEDA), below battery icon) Click on down arrow in lower right hand corner of voltage source icon > **Voltage Source(EasyEDA)** ![Alt text](//) Click on **Voltage Source(EasyEDA)** Click on Voltage Source(EasyEDA) Icon (tip text now says Voltage Source(EasyEDA)). ![Alt text](//) Click on schematic canvas to place Voltage Source(EasyEDA). Select voltage source on canvas. Edit user parameters in right hand **Properties** panel (if not already open then click on far right vertical blue strip to open). ![Alt text](//) Available parameters for Voltage Source(EasyEDA) and Current Source(EasyEDA): >Frequency: Freq(Hz); >Wavshape: Function > dropdown list > Sin/Cos/Square/Triangle/Square >Peak to Peak Amplitude: Amplitude(V) (Amplitude(A) for current source) >DC offset: Initial(V) (Initial(A) for current source) For more complex signal sources, select Voltage Source (Current Source) and see user parameters in **Properties** panel: ![Alt text](//) Some examples of these sources: For more about the voltage and current sources available for simulation in EasyEDA see:
example 10 years ago
Tutorial schematics have now been added to the [Spice Tutorials] to show how to use the Voltage and Current Sources to create the following types of signals: >[Sinusoidal (SIN or SINE)]; >>[More examples of Sinusoidal (SIN or SINE)]; >[Pulse (PULSE)]; >>[More examples of Pulse (PULSE)]; >[Exponential single pulse (EXP)]; >[Single Frequency Frequency Modulated (SFFM)]; >[Amplitude Modulated (AM)]; >[PieceWise Linear (PWL)]; [Spice Tutorials]: [Sinusoidal (SIN or SINE)]: [More examples of Sinusoidal (SIN or SINE)]: [Pulse (PULSE)]: [More examples of Pulse (PULSE)]: [Exponential single pulse (EXP)]: [Single Frequency Frequency Modulated (SFFM)]: [Amplitude Modulated (AM)]: [PieceWise Linear (PWL)]:
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