You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
simulation data
639 4
pks64 3 years ago
How do you create the simulation data. In video 10, the instructor explains that you can, 'write a simulation data of the model yourself.' I want to create a bd139 transistor. He also says that you can get the data from the data sheet, but what data would that be? Is it Vbeo, Ib, Ic etc? Thank you. Paul
andyfierman 3 years ago
@pks64, Sorry but you haven't identified what Tutorial you are referring to. If you want to simulate a BS139 then there's already a model in the Spice Symbol library as I have already  pointed out to you in your previous post here: [](
pks64 3 years ago
The video I was referring to is here: [](<br> <br> Many thanks, Paul
andyfierman 3 years ago
For definitive information about simulation in EasyEDA, please read the Simulation Tutorial,  (3) in (2) in the forum topic marked as [Must read]: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
@pks64, The video you linkd to is confusing because it refers to "simulation data" when it means "spice model". Simulation data are the outputs from a simulation run not the models that are used in it. Especially from discrete devices, you cannot easily derive a spice model from a datasheet. This is explained in Chapter 14 of the EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial at: []( There are tools to extract source parameters from device datasheets but most are commercial products. Exceptions to this are some of the tools in the SuperSpice freeware package and Simon Bramble's tool for creating LTspice VDMOS models. Many of the models built by for EasyEDA for more complex devices, ranging from thyristors, op amps and CMOS logic devices, are so-called behavioural models which are built from datasheet parameters but this technique does not work well for simple discrete devices like transistors and diodes.
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