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simulation error "Missing model value "
4160 13
行者 5 years ago
Hi experts, I did an EasyEDA circuit, now I am trying to simulate it, however, it always shows error "Missing model value". I tried to remove that component from the schematic and go to the library to search the component again and replace it,  run the simulation again the error will change to say another component  "missing model value" and this issue keeps looping. Your experts could help to advise? ![image.png](// Regards, JT
andyfierman 5 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. Your screenshot does not give enough information. Please read (3) in (2) in: [](
行者 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hi, here is the link for schematic. Thank you! [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#mode=sim\,id=\|f29d9d4244324c68a4941685ede95a86\|b3099b7f5c8145c3bb05d84d42a2843c](,id=|f29d9d4244324c68a4941685ede95a86|b3099b7f5c8145c3bb05d84d42a2843c)
example 5 years ago
Except for T1, none of the components you have chosen are from the spice model libraries. Please read (3) in (2) in: [](
example 5 years ago
行者 5 years ago
@example Hi, Thanks for your reply. seems only the part that was chosen from the  "System" classes will have the spice module. however, the parts are not available in that class. could you advise?
andyfierman 5 years ago
The passive parts and the transformer are simularable. Things like diodes and transistors are easy enough to simulate either with alternative devices or by pasting a model into the schematic and changing the name and spice prefix as described in the Spice Tutorial. A bigger problem is your ice. Depending what it is you may or may not be able find a model for it.  We may be able to build a model but that service is not necessarily free as it depends on how much work is needed. It may simply not be practical to do in spice. Alternatively it may just require some creativefthinking about how it could be usefully represented in a simulation. Please read the Simulation Tutorial for more about models.
andyfierman 5 years ago
This: ![image.png](// is not a spice symbol. The type of device is also not identified.
guerraTron 5 years ago
Regards. I'm starting at EasyEDA, but I don't understand that in order to simulate a simple scheme we have to design a '**model**'. Are not already created all the models of the components offered by the program ?. Something similar happens to me with my circuits, I am not allowed to simulate any, everyone is missing something. I have lost several days and I do not advance, I get bored and despair. What can not be is that the simulation depends on users without experience (like me) to develop something as complex as "_component models_". If so, I will look for other software that does not make me lose days of testing. Sorry for my bad English, I use "_google translate_"
andyfierman 5 years ago
@guerraTron, I think you misunderstand. No one said that you have to develop you own models. Please read (3) in (2) in: [](
guerraTron 5 years ago
@andyfierman, OK. Thanks for answering. As I am more interested in the "simulation" I think I will look again at the link: ([Simulation Tutorial](, Maybe I can find the key to make that my circuits works
行者 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hi, the cycled component is a TPL5100 nano time which manufactured by TI, I got checked with them but the bad news is they also don't have a spice model file for this product, they only have ibis file.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@guerraTron, The Simulation Tutorial is in the process of being updated for LTspice compatibility. The link to it in (3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
Sorry, finger trouble: **Please note that the Simulation Tutorial is in the process of being updated for LTspice compatibility.** The link to it in (3) in (2) in: []( has been temporarily changed to show the most up to date working copy.
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