my circuit shows this types of errors how can i fix them to run the simulation
Circuit: untitled
Error on line 5 : mod1 0 0 laser_module
Unable to find definition of model - default assumed
Error on line 6 : d1 c3_1 c1_1 diode_photodiode_reve_date15jun2010
Unable to find definition of model diode_photodiode_reve_date15jun2010 - default assumed
errors/warnings in your design, please fix them if you need
errors/warnings in your design, please fix them if you need.
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000
Fatal error: instance v1 is a shorted VSRC
doAnalyses: operation not supported
tran simulation(s) aborted
Error(parse.c--checkvalid): volprobe1: no such vector.
ngspice-26 done