**Feature Request**
Parametric parts search would be ideal, but even without that, seems we really need the ability to at least sort if not also filter the parts list/search results by any column.
This would solve a very common problem I am having: there is a part in the catalog that I really need (I've seen it before) but I just can't find it without spending half an hour browsing the parts lists sequentially.
e.g. a most basic example that should be "very easy" - I'm looking for a 220Ω resistor in 0805 package. While I could edit the value on any 0805, I'd like to have an accurate BOM. But a search for some combination of resistor/220/0805 doesn't find the part.
So I browse the LCSC general resistor SMD list, but the parts are not listed in any order I can discern. After 10 mins of browsing up and down, I still can't find the part. Now if I could just sort the results by the package and/or value column I'd find what I need in no time...
Or am I totally missing a better way of finding parts?