You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
tracks not showing up on export
1260 6
fraznofire308 7 years ago
So i designed a random circuit to mess around with this tool and once I had layed out all the tracks they dont show up in the exported design. there are some pictures below, yes I know it probably isnt done correctly but I'm just stuffing around with it ![in the editor][1] ![what it ends up looking like][2] ![export settings][3] [1]: /editor/20170104/586c3d7f2df6b.PNG [2]: /editor/20170104/586c3db906d6f.PNG [3]: /editor/20170104/586c3dcfe6904.PNG
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Fraznofire308, Welcome to EasyEDA. If you: 1. Select `TopLayer`, `BottomLayer`, `TopSilkLayer` and `BottomSIlkLayer`; 2. Untick `Assembly Drawings`; you will obtain a black and white image showing the tracks and the silkscreening. If you just want the tracks do not tick the silk screen layers. If you want separate top and bottom copper layer images select `Separated layer`. If you are considering making your own PCBs, you might like to have a look at our pricing for supplying professional quality PCBs:
tholder 7 years ago
Hello there, I have the same issue like fraznofire308. This is how it looks like in the designer ![enter image description here][1] and this is how it looks in photo view ![enter image description here][2] and this is how it's look like after printing ![enter image description here][3] To print it I have used as suggested: 1. Select TopLayer, BottomLayer, TopSilkLayer and BottomSIlkLayer; 2. Untick Assembly Drawings; Kind regards. [1]: /editor/20171119/5a107395b3a45.png [2]: /editor/20171119/5a1073f0d0c48.png [3]: /editor/20171119/5a1074266ce69.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. For us to investigate you will have to either make it public or share it privately with support:
tholder 7 years ago
Hello andyfierman, I have shared the project, so now everyone should be able to access it. Kind regards.
tholder 7 years ago
Hello @andyfierman, it will be related to the 'Keep Island' on the Cooper Area tool. If I remove it all tracks seems to be there. ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] Any suggestions how can I fix this? [1]: /editor/20171120/5a12dd3c0b52b.png [2]: /editor/20171120/5a12dd6adab34.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
I think this is caused by the bug reported here:
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