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two wires connected to a single component don't rubber band when component is moved
924 4
berarduc 1 year ago
Hi, I'm new to easyeda and am having trouble understanding how wiring is supposed to work. When I connect two pins on a component to the same wire (like to GND) and then connect them both to the same GND symbol, they appear to be connected properly (little red dots on the green wire). However, if I grab the GND symbol and move it, both wires do NOT move with the symbol. Only the first connected wire moves. What am I doing wrong?? Steps to reproduce the problem: 1\. Place a component with at least two pins on the schematic\. 2\. Then place a GND symbol on the schematic\. 3\. Select 'wire' mode\, and then connect between one of the pins of the first component and the GND symbol\. 4\. Then connect between another pin of the first component and the same wire going to the GND symbol\. A red dot will appear showing where the wires are \(should be?\) connected\. 5\. Grab the GND symbol and move it\. Both wires do NOT follow\. Only the first connected wire follows the GND symbol\, but the second one stays put\. ?? Thanks in advance.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Please post some screenshots to illustrate the issue you are trying to describe.
berarduc 1 year ago
OK here are two screenshots. In one I've connected a bunch of wires together to GND, with the GND symbol at the BOTTOM. In the second, I simply grabbed the GND symbol and moved it UP and to the left. As can be seen, the connections did NOT follow. Hope that helps. Thanks. FIrst Image (All wires connected to GND at BOTTOM): ![Screen Shot 2023-08-06 at 4.49.25 PM.png](// Second image (GND symbol moved UP and to the LEFT): ![Screen Shot 2023-08-06 at 4.49.37 PM.png](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
I have separately tried some similar connections and it looks like the dragging of connected nets is broken. I suggest that you change the Category of this topic to Bug Report
berarduc 1 year ago
OK I changed the category. Thx
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