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what does the data sheet mean when it says to connect a crystal?
614 4
John Peters 3 years ago
i was reading a data sheet for anintegrated circuit on digikey, and it said to attachh a 24mhz crystal to one of the pins. this mostly makes sense, as i just connect the pin to one of the terminals of the crystal. but what do i connect the other terminal to? i know that power has to run through it, and it would seem instinctive to connect it to vcc/vdd, but i wanted to be sure what to do. here is exactly what the datasheet says: <br> | Pin # | Symbol | Buffer Type | Description | | ----- | ------ | ----------- | ----------- | | 22 | XTALIN/CLKIN | ICLKx | 24MHz Crystal or External Clock Input<br><br>This pin connects to one terminal of the crystal, or to an external 24MHz clock when a crystal is not used. |
pommie 3 years ago
Do you have a link to the datasheet? There's normally a XTALIN and an XTALOUT. Mike.
John Peters 3 years ago
@pommie  sure enough, right below the other pin, there is XTALOUT and it explains where to connect the other terminal. whoops.
pommie 3 years ago
It's normal to connect the crystal to the two pins and then a capacitor from each pin to ground - normally around 20pF. This is the diagram from a pic datasheet. ![osc.png](// HTH, Mike.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@peters.johne, You need to read the datasheet and study the section on how to determine the capacitor value and any other external Rs and Cs that may be needed. Plus study the section on board layout around the crystal carefully. You may need to look at additional apps notes for detailed information.
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