Notice: The PCB differential pair net name must named as XXX_N, XXX_P or XXX+, XXX-
Fixed the copper area and solid region outline virtual node(drag node) disapper issue
Fixed some old PCBs can't use the auto router issue, and release new local auto router to v0.7
What’s new in v5.6.10
Fixed the older Chrome/Firfox open the document will not dispay anything issue
What's New in v5.6.9
New Features
Via's net name display supported
When importing the other EDA files the libs can be extracting at the same time
Dispaly the title when hover the mouse on the Docmuent's Tab/Project folder,
display the description when hover the mouse on the Docmuent's title on the projects list
Find Similar Objects is supported
Via: Topbar - View - Find Similar Objects; and Right-click the canvas - Find Similar Objects
Support finding at multi-sheets
Support change the objects attributes at the same time on the attributes panel
Distribute Array of the PCB is supported
After select the objects, Via: Topbar - Align - Distribute Array
Types: Retangular and Circular
Track and Arc support to one-click create the solder mask
Select the Track or Arc, click the "Create Solder Mask" button at the right-hand panel
Wire and Track segment deletion is supported
Right-click the wire or track, use "Delete Segment" menu
New Right-Click menu
Find similar objects/Place Components/Delete Segment/Grid Size/Snap Size/Design Rule Setting
Teardrop be supported for all pad shapes
Supported Schematic theme setting sync to the server
The project folder color changes to bule when stick the projet
PCB information display is supported
Via: Topbar - View - PCB Information
The outline points are editable of the Copper Area/Solid Region/Polygon Pad
Click the Copper Area/Solid Region/Polygon Pad, and then click the "Edit Points" button on the right-hand panel
Copper Area/Solid Region support The Arc of the outline points
The hotkey "L" and hotkey "Space key" were supported when drawing the Copper Area and Solid Region, that likes routing the track
The new version Copper Area/Solid Region or polygon Pad can not be supported in the older editor version
Decrease the Gerber file size when the Gerber generating
Fixed the "import changes" function will unmirror the bottom layer's component's name issue
Fixed when move the texts in bacth, but after re-opening the PCB, only one text be moved issue
Forecast of Next Big Version
New highlight style when click the net/component on the design manager
Wires auto wiring when connect them and pull out
Fixed the text can't be deleted issue after ungrouping the package
The protractor supports displaying, modifying, and vertex coordinates in the properties panel
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