Fixed when import the DXF to PCB board outline layer, the circle can't convert to Hole issue.
Fixed when switch the PCB layers from 4 layers to 2 layers the plane zone can not be removed issue.
What’s new in v5.8.19
Fixed the Google font will cause the import changes fail issue
Add the Export BOM button back
Fixed the extract lib fail issue
What’s new in v5.8.16
New Features
PCB Dimension tools support switching units and selection accuracy
The panelize function supports positioning holes and positioning points
New auto-router dialog
Part's new costum parameter supports to select the drop down list parameter
Schematic sheets support to arragement the order, via: Left-bottom corner - sheet icon - move forward/backward
The silk screen highlighted when layer switching to TopLayer or BottomLayer
Add property panel for the photo view
Pin's name and number support to set color
New version control for the project
New PCB Layer Manager
Support 32 inner layers
Support layer transparent setting
Support defind the inner layer's name
Support show and setting Solder Mask and Paste Mask for the pad
More origin setting for the schematiclib and PCBlib, via: Topbar - Place - Set Canvas Origin
Design Manager supports to show the numbers and jumping icons
Design Manager's divider supports up and down adjustment
Copper Area and Solid Region support to redo at previous step by hotkey DELETE and BACKSPACE when drawing
PCBLib supports to draw the retangular
PCB support inner plane layer
How to use: 1.Chose copper layer more than 2 at Layer Manager. 2.Change inner layer's type as "Plane". 3.Apply "Setting" and swicth layer on inner layer. 4.Route the track or Arc
If you change the objects on the plane layer, please rebuild it at the right-hand panel "Rebuild Plane"
The exported SVG graphics unit setting as mm
Fixed when copper area contain more than 2 contain coppers will cause the Gerber incorrect issue
Improve the Gerber generating speed
Fixed the imported DXF wasn't saparated issue
Fixed the BottomAssemblyLayer objects do not mirror issue
Fixed when import changes will replace the unmodified components issue
Fixed some EElib's package
New Altium Export dialog
The pick and place file exporting change to CSV instead of ZIP
When the number and name of the package are too far away from the package, they will automatic return to the original position.
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