You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
no auto route
posted by sharmap209 , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
793 1
Arduino mega and TB6612FNG
posted by kazbionics , 10 months ago. replied by kazbionics , 10 months ago.
465 4
How to view schematic and pcb at same time?
posted by Calum22 , 10 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 10 months ago.
596 2
James SOSO
library exported from LCEDA.Pro is not compatible with EasyEDA.Pro
posted by James SOSO , 10 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 10 months ago.
3255 2
Richard Kloubsky
Document 0 is too large for the cluster
posted by Richard Kloubsky , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
358 1
I can not select the overlapped objects or trace separately.
posted by Anikarijit , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
519 1
Cannot generate gerber file
posted by Ygenks , 10 months ago. replied by Ygenks , 9 months ago.
405 2
Library -> EASYEDA Load Failed!
posted by chan48969999 , 10 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 10 months ago.
572 2
[Pro] STEP export broken?
posted by Alakuu , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 7 months ago.
578 3
[SOLVED] STM32F103C8T6 : wrong pin in the pcb
posted by jslain , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
578 6
Ian Scott
DXF import better quality in Pro than Std
posted by Ian Scott , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
466 6
3D Issues in 2.0.32 AGAIN
posted by s_fr , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
475 1
Eroor while generating grabber file
posted by dyaakhaled10 , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
377 1
Export BOM is broken on the pro version
posted by onyx63670 , 10 months ago. replied by onyx63670 , 10 months ago.
514 4
Recover Unsaved Project
posted by bignardi , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
725 1
Net 12 volt Warning
posted by pierremccarragher35 , 10 months ago. replied by pierremccarragher35 , 10 months ago.
518 3
clispe h
The center position of the Pin Header and Female Header are changed.
posted by clispe h , 10 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 10 months ago.
741 2
Site crashes on layer change after image upload
posted by charlestusen , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
867 2
Sip Bit
Component Pins Don't Rotate
posted by Sip Bit , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
489 1
Aurélien JOLIVET
Update Reuse block from project
posted by Aurélien JOLIVET , 10 months ago. replied by Riddt , 5 months ago.
3339 3
Cannot Copy & Paste from one PCB to another (EasyEDA Pro)
posted by omidalavi , 10 months ago. replied by Calum22 , 9 months ago.
579 3
Components scale / Escala en componentes
posted by luisramirez97 , 10 months ago. replied by luisramirez97 , 10 months ago.
481 4
Peter Sellers
Solved Strange ratline - error 40
posted by Peter Sellers , 10 months ago. replied by Peter Sellers , 10 months ago.
560 4
533 2
posted by tatsarapravin , 10 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 10 months ago.
507 1
Ceramic Chip Antenna Advice
posted by mark.c.beeman , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
3360 3
Remove top skin layer footprint
posted by tung3108vn , 10 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 10 months ago.
378 1
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