You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
posted by ikrammuzammilikram , 11 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 11 months ago.
200 1
How to move pcb component with traces ?
posted by Denz82 , 1 year ago. replied by Denz82 , 1 year ago.
338 2
Export to .STEP problems
posted by Picuar , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
320 1
PCB editor: object selet
posted by a702 , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
207 1
Unmasked margin around board perimeter?
posted by mdredmond , 1 year ago. replied by mdredmond , 1 year ago.
301 2
Guilherme Fuzato
multi-channel design in EasyEDA Pro
posted by Guilherme Fuzato , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
262 1
Is an half pad hole on pcb edge solderable?
posted by magie004 , 1 year ago. replied by magie004 , 1 year ago.
219 2
Objects highlight in PCB editor
posted by a702 , 1 year ago. replied by dillon , 1 year ago.
226 1
Two similar schematics via two panels on the same PCB
posted by cagriy , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 11 months ago.
250 2
Henry Neo
cannot open PCB
posted by Henry Neo , 1 year ago. replied by Henry Neo , 1 year ago.
373 4
board cutout
posted by carlberg , 1 year ago. replied by carlberg , 1 year ago.
357 2
Cannot specify blind via Type in Pro Edition
posted by mdredmond , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 11 months ago.
262 3
File formats for EasyEDA Pro ?
posted by qu1ck , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 1 week ago.
1388 8
Unable to change the Track width Design Rule
posted by arunbhatia2005 , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 11 months ago.
379 2
Peter Sellers
257 1
When copy-paste components, no auto-increment numbering?
posted by rustybucket , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
221 1
Bug report - DXF version too old.
posted by JWSmythe , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
423 2
How can I make connection copper shape areas or pads?
posted by alexllopis , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
208 3
Reuse block looses 3D model
posted by carlberg , 1 year ago.
196 0
194 1
Zunuran Nasrullah
Rigid-Flex PCB
posted by Zunuran Nasrullah , 1 year ago.
395 0
Carl Kugler
inner layers are positive film pattern
posted by Carl Kugler , 1 year ago. replied by Carl Kugler , 1 year ago.
260 1
Auto Router completes but does not route all nets
posted by DeeEmm , 1 year ago. replied by DeeEmm , 1 year ago.
1175 4
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