You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
3D in Footprint
posted by gidimiz , 1 year ago.
190 0
Importing DXF
posted by gidimiz , 1 year ago. replied by alexllopis , 1 year ago.
237 5
No expose copper option
posted by joesbox , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 7 months ago.
407 5
Pressing ESC key exits full screen
posted by lynxlabeling , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
232 1
Mirror a PCB
posted by s_fr , 1 year ago. replied by s_fr , 1 year ago.
293 2
Peter Sellers
DRC Error/Short flag
posted by Peter Sellers , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
288 2
jp lambert
Cant import drill file into flatcam from easyeda pro vertion
posted by jp lambert , 1 year ago. replied by Eddie A , 2 months ago.
893 2
Jonatan Castro
EasyEDA Pro missing community modules?
posted by Jonatan Castro , 1 year ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 4 months ago.
328 4
Mouse zoom much faster than std?
posted by jbk1 , 1 year ago. replied by jbk1 , 1 year ago.
201 1
Bold font selection
posted by mixkef , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
376 1
Abbas Mohammed
Track segment vs network objects selection problem
posted by Abbas Mohammed , 1 year ago. replied by Abbas Mohammed , 1 year ago.
231 1
Removing solder mask from via
posted by kwilkin , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
322 3
How to put hole in easyeda pro?
posted by Kaurska , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
1373 2
405 6
Design rules for net-net and net rule
posted by willem_use , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
260 1
match pcb components by schematic designators
posted by mixkef , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
227 1
Local Router
posted by Fendo59 , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
321 1
Copper pour gone wild
posted by DrMaybe , 1 year ago. replied by DrMaybe , 1 year ago.
341 8
Drill Hole
posted by s_fr , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
540 3
Replacement of a 3d model from another part
posted by danieldawe , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
205 1
Inconsistent model of part in LCSC and EasyEDA
posted by danieldawe , 1 year ago. replied by andyfierman , 1 year ago.
226 4
Copper Fill Islands Causing DRC Errors
posted by davidg , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
244 1
why i can not expert pdf file of a design
posted by kashemskabdul , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
298 11
Remove the drawings of the components
posted by olivier.bailleux , 1 year ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
256 2
252 1
Unable to import dxf board outline to pro
posted by Calum22 , 1 year ago. replied by Calum22 , 1 year ago.
261 3
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