You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to delete a project?
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
327 5
Net Check - Bug [RESOLVED]
posted by cjohnson , 8 months ago. replied by cjohnson , 8 months ago.
766 5
Not able to route tracks to the footprints
posted by soorajiyer , 8 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 8 months ago.
304 1
Not able to route tracks to MAX77757JEFG420+ IC footprint
posted by soorajiyer , 8 months ago. replied by soorajiyer , 8 months ago.
354 4
Does a via in a pad cost more to manufature?
posted by THX1138 , 8 months ago. replied by kyotee89 , 5 months ago.
3134 1
bug: Adjusting 3D model rotation can't be done around Z-axis
posted by jah1964 , 8 months ago. replied by jah1964 , 8 months ago.
334 3
Flipping pcb for diy home made pcb
posted by tycs03 , 8 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 8 months ago.
391 1
Library edit
posted by corradoskj , 8 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 8 months ago.
3555 1
Editing clone changes original
posted by braddo , 8 months ago. replied by andyfierman , 8 months ago.
859 1
I cannot import 3D Model in EasyEDA pro desktop version.
posted by todoro , 8 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 8 months ago.
517 1
Autorouter skip manually placed vias
posted by goatzilla , 8 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 8 months ago.
902 3
Can we get the filters in Place(P) fixed?
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
411 5
Rotation bug in 3D model.
posted by pommie , 8 months ago. replied by pommie , 8 months ago.
343 6
Peter Sellers
Solved Clearance, Track to GND Copper Region
posted by Peter Sellers , 8 months ago. replied by Peter Sellers , 8 months ago.
422 2
How to cut slot at the edge of the PCB ?
posted by Jizhou , 8 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 8 months ago.
606 1
A weird one, Chip is 90 degree's out of position to pads.
posted by RWB_UK , 8 months ago. replied by RWB_UK , 8 months ago.
374 2
Nick Lindridge
442 2
Show net names in schematic editor
posted by mark222 , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
530 1
3D Export stuck
posted by _0x4d , 9 months ago. replied by UserSupport , 7 months ago.
713 4
Check DRC able to use JLCPCB board requirements
posted by Calum22 , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
497 1
How to DRC/set minimum solder mask to copper area?
posted by Calum22 , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
381 1
Copper area doesnt work
posted by rubert , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
534 1
LCSC catalog not working
posted by mz68 , 9 months ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 9 months ago.
821 1
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