So long, farewell
posted by martin , 1 year ago. replied by MikeDB , 1 year ago.
519 6
Can't update a module once saved?
posted by martin , 3 years ago. replied by opamp , 1 year ago.
533 3
Is there a way to rename nets through the API?
posted by martin , 3 years ago. replied by martin , 3 years ago.
591 1
Asking again- snap to center pad: use SCREEN coordinates
posted by martin , 3 years ago. replied by martin , 2 years ago.
511 4
Production mistakes are too easy to make
posted by martin , 4 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 4 years ago.
548 15
Impedance calculator?
posted by martin , 4 years ago. replied by martin , 4 years ago.
5087 5
Import Changes - something broken?
posted by martin , 4 years ago. replied by mijnmodelbaan , 4 years ago.
1707 22
Isolated return path?
posted by martin , 4 years ago. replied by martin , 4 years ago.
1058 5
Please, please, fix PCB object centering issues!
posted by martin , 5 years ago. replied by martin , 5 years ago.
1352 11
Bug or change? Routes at random angles.
posted by martin , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
728 3
Stencils from JLCPCB
posted by martin , 5 years ago. replied by MikeDB , 5 years ago.
1462 4
Edit footprint from anywhere?
posted by martin , 5 years ago. replied by Guest , 5 years ago.
1102 7
Copper area not working correctly
posted by martin , 5 years ago. replied by martin , 5 years ago.
1129 10
Net name from pin name?
posted by martin , 6 years ago.
752 0
Erratic wiring in PCB?
posted by martin , 6 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 6 years ago.
687 8
PCB Antennas
posted by martin , 6 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 6 years ago.
1527 3
DRC Error - in error?
posted by martin , 6 years ago. replied by martin , 6 years ago.
1238 7
Copper Area - Multilayer
posted by martin , 6 years ago.
582 0
Solder Mask concern
posted by martin , 6 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 6 years ago.
899 7
Photo view hides vias if there is a pad?
posted by martin , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
634 1
Make ground pour outline more subtle
posted by martin , 7 years ago.
681 0
WIsh: more control over ground pour
posted by martin , 7 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 7 years ago.
897 5
Spice Model results in 500 error from server
posted by martin , 7 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 7 years ago.
1047 2
Featured on Great Scott youtube channel
posted by martin , 8 years ago. replied by martin , 8 years ago.
1449 3
A small request: footprint default units: mm
posted by martin , 8 years ago. replied by dillon , 8 years ago.
992 1
SVG Parse error trying to edit footprint
posted by martin , 8 years ago. replied by eric , 8 years ago.
969 1
Pad center-snap region a little too large
posted by martin , 8 years ago. replied by massdistraction , 1 year ago.
2074 17
Beware! TO-252 package bad
posted by martin , 8 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 8 years ago.
2132 5
Pad Layer visibility control for export
posted by martin , 9 years ago. replied by dillon , 9 years ago.
1039 1
Track vertex selection indicator + multiselection
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 9 years ago.
1023 5
Two boards?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
1387 2
Duplicate prefix error across different schematics?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 1 year ago.
2195 7
Hey, just a quick one - DDPAK?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
2093 5
Is it just me, or is the board outline a bit of a pita?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1687 5
A sudden worry
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
1088 3
Modify package already used in PCB?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
4856 6
Reloading "clean" PCB sometimes shows wires
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 10 years ago.
1198 5
Small Undo/Redo stack bug
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
2024 4
Is there a way to snap text on the grid?
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by dillon , 7 years ago.
1490 5
Import changes : Package Error
posted by martin , 10 years ago. replied by martin , 10 years ago.
1466 2
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